
Use the form below to calculate an estimate for the Ducky vessel and accessories of interest.

Disclaimer: This pricing tool provides cost estimations only and should be used for indicative purposes only.  These estimates do not constitute an offer or an invitation to treat of any kind.  All sales are subject to the terms & conditions accompanying official invoices.


For leisure, sport and travel.  No matter what your priority is: family vacations, fun, sports, education or an extreme expedition, you will find that Ducky catamarans are a quality affordable solution.

Our diverse product range is designed to best meet your needs.  The range is light weight, quick to assemble, highly mobile, easy to learn and critically - easy to store.


Official UK Distributor
Anna Berry, +44 7814 299 089

Office hours:
09:00-21:00 GMT 7 days a week

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